Friday, December 3, 2010


Good (Early) Morning!!

Just a quick update.....

Internet Issues:

We are still experiencing internet issues, Telstra have put a work order in to have the ADSL codes (that should never have been removed) put back on the line, they assure us that it is at the top of the list but it may take up to a week to be fixed! Anyway, in the meantime I have limited access to the internet through my iPad during the day (I can check in on our Facebook page and answer e-mails) and of an evening/early morning I can log on with my laptop by tethering it to my fiance's iPhone. Because of how expensive data is on the iPhone, I've been told that I'm not allowed to upload any pictures until our internet is restored which means that the sale that we were in the middle temporarily postponed! You can still purchase items that are already in the sale album.

Custom Orders:

I am still accepting custom orders as I've been left with a vast amount of time on my hands due to limited internet access (who knew it consumed so much time!), cutoff date for custom orders if you require them by Christmas is December 14th!! If you want to place a custom order just send me an email to and let me know what you're after!!

Destash Sales:

I was also planning a destash sale but this has also been postponed, we may hold off on this one until the new year but I'm sure it will be fairly huge by then! I'm also going to be holding destash sales on a different FB page called My Little Fabric Addiction. So pop on over, click "Like" and check out what we have in store. I will also be uploading some items to Craftumi but first dibs will be available on FB! :)

Postage Times:

I am also only posting 2 to 3 times/week at the moment. We are sharing a car at the moment because mine is having airbag issues and I'm not comfortable driving it until that has been fixed. As a result of that, I'm sharing a car with my fiance which means I'm limited in when I can get to the post office etc. I'm going to mostly be using prepaid satchels/envelopes/stamps in the interim because then I can just wander down the road and pop them in the post box. If you require something registered just be aware that I may not be able to get to the post office for a few days.

Thanks so much for your continued support! We are almost to 1300 likers, I never dreamed that we would have such a huge fanbase when we started out in May. Fingers crossed all our technical difficulties go away soon!

Until next time.....

Em x :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A little competition....


Well we've come a long way in such a short period of time, almost 300 likers! So what I want to do, is to have a little competition to see if we can reach and exceed the 300 mark. Starting now and ending when we reach 300, the person who refers the most people will have the option to purchase a change mat for $5 (this will cover postage costs) or a hairbow for $2 (once again to cover postage costs). Because of Facebook's competition rules, this can't be a giveaway.
I'm going to make up 2 change mats and 2 hairbows that the winner will be able to choose from. I will get these pictures uploaded to the wall tomorrow sometime.
Thank you so much for your support!

Em xxx

PS. Don't forget to tell the people whom you refer to write on the wall and say who sent them!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wow! 200 Fans - Must be time to Celebrate! :)

Good Morning!

Wow! 200 fans! Thanks so much for your support everybody! It’s hard to believe that in a month that we have come so far!
I think that this gives us a reason to celebrate So how about a sale? The sale will happen on Friday night 18/6 from 7.30pm. I’ll upload an album sometime through Friday so you can have a sneak peek. The sale will run from Friday night until Monday night 21/6.

I’ve had a lot of new materials arriving in the post lately and still more to come. I’ve just ordered some fabric to make some Princess themed play mats. I can’t wait until it arrives!! Our change mats are also going to have a slight design change and will include a layer of PUL to make them waterproof, I’m just waiting for the PUL to arrive. It should be here any day now! I’ve also got a few new ideas in the making, just trying to work out a few kinks and hopefully I will be able to share them with you soon!

We’ve been a bit quiet the past few weeks because it’s been school holidays here in Tassie but my eldest went back to school this morning so I’m ready to get back to it and start creating bows and other bits and pieces.

Our website is almost finished. My partner has unfortunately come down with the flu and has been having issues with his asthma so that has set us back a little bit. Fingers crossed it will be ready to go live in a few weeks or so.

Don’t forget that I can do custom orders! I’ve just finished a custom order of “Cupcake Cloths” for The Cupcake Fairy. Check out the picture below.

This blogging caper is hard work! Better get back to the sewing machine!

Until next time.

Em x

Monday, May 31, 2010

Latest News

Good Morning!!

I'm writing this blog from the erm....sunny (read: rainy) east coast of Tasmania.

Just a quick blog this morning to let you all know about some exciting things that are happening in the next little while at The Little Wise Owl.

We reached 100 fans last week and it happened so quickly (we literally doubled in size within 6 hours!) that I wasn't prepared for it. Thanks so much Sheena from Bubbamia Fabrics for putting the word out about us. Anyway, when we reach 200 fans we will have a competition/giveaway through this blog. I'm still working on the details but I will announce them very soon. Just make sure that you're following our blog so you can keep up to date!

Secondly, this Wednesday we are going to have a sale. The sale will start at 8:30pm AEST, I will upload an album of sale items at 8pm and you will be able to browse it before the sale starts. There will be items such as hair bows suitable for both bigger girls and baby girls, change mats and laptop/iPad custom spots.

And lastly, I placed a big order last week for some new ribbons and bits and bobs. They should be here in the next few weeks and I have a few new ideas that will be out shortly after!

Until next time...

Em x

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Products! :)

Good Morning!! :)
Today, I'm a bit excited. The main reason is that my inner apple geek is very excited about the release of the iPad in Australia this morning! And as part of that excitement, I have been developing a new product to list on our facebook store. I've made a case/slip to put the iPad in to protect it from getting scratched or damaged and it can be custom made in a range of gorgeous designer fabrics that you can view in the fabrics folder on our Facebook page.

One that I've thrown together as an example can be seen below.

The iPad covers are made from 100% Cotton and are fully lined with a bit of padding provided by Bamboo batting. If they get dirty, you can just throw it in the washing machine, line dry it and it's right to go again. :) I'm also able to make a laptop sleeve which looks exactly the same as this but is made the specifications of your laptop, the laptop sleeves can either be side opening, or end opening and will be finished with a flap that is secured with a button or velcro.

I was hoping to be able to post a picture this morning with my iPad inside the cover, but
at present it still hasn't turned up! :( I will no doubt post a picture later on.

Also, this week I've been making baby change mats that are made from 100% cotton designer fabrics and feature two layers of bamboo batting which is a very thirsty fabric but also a great antibacterial agent! The reason why I decided to make a baby change mat is that I remember using a bunny rug or a really awful plastic mat that was attached to my nappy bag when we were out and about. I really didn't like putting my babies down on those public toilet change tables and I really wish that I had something like the baby change mats that I've recently made, don't know why I didn't think about making them then! Anyway, the baby change mats are easy to wash, just throw them in the washing machine and line dry them. I've also been experimenting using Minky dot as a backing for the change mat. The great thing about them is that you can fold them up or roll them up and they don't take up much room at all! An example of one of our change mats can be seen below

We also have play mats available that can be custom made in a fabric of your choice. They are also made from 100% cotton designer fabrics and feature two layers of bamboo batting that make them very soft for your baby to lie on or your toddler to play on. They also can be just tossed in the washing machine and dried on the line if they get dirty and they also fold down to virtually nothing so they're
great to take out and about or if you're short on storage space (like we are) they don't take up much room. I recently made a play mat for my son who is turning
3 on Saturday and it was made with a Car track fabric that I found. I made it as a foldable car mat that we can take away on holidays with us or when we're going visiting and whatnot.
Pictures of that mat can be found below

Also this week we reached 100 fans!! Thanks so much for your support! I'm in the process of
planning a bit of a celebration for when we reach 150 fans and also a sale, possibly early next week.

Anywho, my little boy turns 3 tomorrow and I have a birthday party to get ready for!

Until next time....

Em x

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Beginning! - The Little Wise Owl is born....

Good Morning from Chilly Tassie!

2 days ago I decided to get off my backside and try and fulfill a dream that I've had for awhile. My partner and I had been discussing me making things to sell for a few months but I hadn't done anything about it. I think we both put it down to another "gunna" conversation. A friend of mine, Bell from Tassie Made 4 Baby recently started up her home business and she has been an inspiration to me, to see how hard she has been working to become a WAHM. It has made me believe that one day I will be able to give up my job and do the same! Prior to that, it was just a pipe dream!

Anyway, a bit off track there. On Tuesday 18/5, The Little Wise Owl was born. We tossed around a few names and finally settled on that. I love owls and wanted the name to have something to do with them. I'm going to start off with making/selling hair bows for infants, toddlers and little girls and then hopefully move into being a bit more adventurous with my sewing machine. I have a few ideas flowing at the moment but I'm not sure my sewing skills are up to scratch to achieve them at this stage but it's all a learning curve! I prefer to go about things a bit ad hoc, I like to be challenged and to create things by not following a pattern but making it up as I go. If it works: AWESOME! If it doesn't...well back to the drawing board! The only downside with making things up as I go is that sometimes it's a bit hard to re-create them!

A bit about me: I'm a mother to 2 gorgeous children aged 4.5 and almost 3. I have the most wonderful partner who is an inspiration to me and very supportive of my crazy ideas and living in a house full of fabric and ribbon.

Until my next blog....

Em x